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Environmental Education

Life Vision Society aims to promote environmental awareness by disseminating information and implementing projects benefitting the environment.

Earth is an invaluable gift, and the environment is essential for sustaining life and healthy living. Humankind should appreciate its importance and understand their shared responsibility towards protecting the environment.
As nurturing awareness is key to gain importance of the environment. Life Vision Society aims to promote environmental awareness by disseminating information and implementing projects benefitting the environment. To aim to promote sustainability, the society hopes to build projects, enhance knowledge, and take steps to tackle environmental issues. The advancement of awareness and knowledge to make solutions to tackle environmental issues if the society’s efforts to make a difference.
The society wishes to enhance the understanding and knowledge of environment, impart knowledge, and get people involved. By providing an opportunity to be involved in projects and sharing knowledge to improve the environment, actions are taken to tackle environmental issues on an individual and community level. Which in turn fosters and explores the environment’s current state and its future prospect with hopes to explore the understanding and essence of its preservation.
To obtain educational achievements and implement environmental solutions, efforts are made to form a sustainable environment for the current times and future generations. By understanding the benefits of a good environment, we can hope for subsequent health benefits and reduce the harmful effect on the environment to maintain a harmonious balance in many aspects today and in the future.
With these various approaches, we hope to encourage the efficient use of resources like water and proper recycling of household waste. By increasing education, individuals are encouraged to reduce negative impact on the environment.

Power in Numbers







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